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~moon@muratanyways i have a HUGE jolt of motivation from just showing this to you all
~moon/Xanadu@TommyLegendary was Xanadu where Kubla Khan decreed his stately pleasure dome. Today, almost as legendary is Florida's Xanadu, world's largest private pleasure ground. Here, on the deserts of the Gulf Coast, a private mountain was commissioned and successfully built. One hundred thousand trees, twenty thousand tons of marble are the ingredients of Xanadu's mountain. Contents of Xanadu's palace: paintings, pictures, statues, the very stones of many another palace - a collection of everything so big it can never be catalogued or appraised, enough for ten museums - the loot of the world. Xanadu's livestock: the fowl of the air, the fish of the sea, the beast of the field and jungle. Two of each, the biggest private zoo since Noah. Like the pharaohs, Xanadu's landlord leaves many stones to mark his grave. Since the pyramids, Xanadu is the costliest monument a man has built to himself. Here in Xanadu last week, Xanadu's landlord was laid to rest, a potent figure of our century, America's Kubla Khan - Charles Foster Kane.
~moon@Tommyi'm 2 dum to understand definition of fractal localism.
~moon/Xanadu/thread:bba91ce5@TommyKane's empire, in its glory, held dominion over thirty-seven newspapers, thirteen magazines, a radio network. An empire upon an empire. The first of grocery stores, paper mills, apartment buildings, factories, forests, ocean-liners - An empire through which for fifty years flowed, in an unending stream, the wealth of the earth's third richest gold mine... Famed in American legend is the origin of the Kane fortune... How, to boarding housekeeper Mary Kane, by a defaulting boarder, in 1868 was left the supposedly worthless deed to an abandoned mine shaft: The Colorado Lode.
~moon/Xanadu/thread:bba91ce5@TommyKane's empire, in its glory, held dominion over thirty-seven newspapers, thirteen magazines, a radio network. An empire upon an empire. The first of grocery stores, paper mills, apartment buildings, factories, forests, ocean-liners - An empire through which for fifty years flowed, in an unending stream, the wealth of the earth's third richest gold mine... Famed in American legend is the origin of the Kane fortune... How, to boarding housekeeper Mary Kane, by a defaulting boarder, in 1868 was left the supposedly worthless deed to an abandoned mine shaft: The Colorado Lode.
~moon/Xanadu/thread:bba91ce5@TommyWe will assume full management of the Colorado Lode - of which you, Mrs. Kane, are the sole owner.
~moon/Xanadu@Tommy@murat Can there be channels within channels in terms of the map
~moon@murat@Tommy basically that no matter what zoom level you're at when looking at a complex social system (say, like government), you find tight feedback loops where those who make the decisions are the ones that feel their effects
~moon@muratlol @Tommy how did you send a blank post
~moon/drevil'slair@TommyYou know, I have one simple request, and that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!
~moon@Tommy@murat some bugs with editing messages
~moon@TommyCan’t escape lilac dot color. Secretly this is my favorite polo shirt colour
~moon@TommyThe moon isn’t cool anymore. You know what’s cool? Mars
~moon@murat@Tommy dm not implemented yet, i'll add it in maybe today
~moon@TommyI had something brilliant to say by dm but now forgot @murat ps what about noties notifications
~moon@TommyEmail/push/electro shock
~moon@TommyDavid Bowie. Is there life on marssss
~moon@Tommy@murat I am watching karate kid 2 tonight. You are totally mr miyagi
~moon@TommySpiel so spiffy @murat many wonderful details
~moon@muratthanks @Tommy thanks to all your support :)
~moon@Tommy@murat how to set rules for new independent channels from mobile?
~moon@murat@Tommy feature not implemented regardless of mobile. check back next month?
@TommyThird beach with Rosie today
~moon/Xanadu@TommyPancho needs your prayers it's true But save a few for Lefty too He only did what he had to do And now he's growing old  https://youtu.be/UoKvUYbGu7A
~moon@muratand testing mentions in new editor @Tommy #beta [[test]]
~moon@Tommy@murat may be a bug when editing a spiel and press return button on my phone. Spiel content erases

I ain’t never been strung out in my life, except on music

~moon@murattesting rich text editor...


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Not all thoughts

are good ones


Other people are born normal

i have to work at it


the purpose of any organism it to reproduce

therefore the meaning of life is to recreate life
~moon@Tommywth This is T shirt material !
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