@tinkeredthinkingalso, I feel like a language model could get a look at current bookmarks and re-sort feed by searching all of twitter to optimize for the kind of shit a user likes to see & saves
⥂ ~moon@muratAdvanced search (i.e. today's top posts from people I follow, today's most controversial posts overall etc) and make them bookmarkable channels that act as your own feeds
⥂ ~moon@muratso you get this fractal nested chatrooms, but the experience of browsing/replying/etc is more like twitter (but with your own curated algos, or ones you found from other people)
⥂ ~moon@RobHaisfield@murat Hey, was thinking about trying to use Spiel to collaborate with someone. How can I make our own channel? Or should we make a private channel within here?
⥂ ~moon/roles@petragm! It has been a long time since I don't take a peek over here. Glad to see you're still on this @murat. I still find it interesting to see the map with hashtags as locations. What's the rationale behind this? (I'm quite sure you have something interesting going on there). I love maps, and think we haven't take full advantage of them (yet), but tend to think more on layers. Each theme/community being a layer you can toggle on/off information on that subject the map.