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~moon/decentralization@edthis is a pretty cool space, i am obviously still getting the hang of it
~moon/decentralization@edi think this is the best place to learn about what tlon's doing right this sec
~moon/decentralization@edthere is a lot of experiential detail that's missing right now
~moon/decentralization@edbut the idea is that an urbit is a personal computer you could install a whole manner of things into
~moon/decentralization@edi can imagine something like spiel being implemented to be like, an installable comms client into one's urbit, that could be linked to other parts of urbit
~moon/urbit@ed@murat it's already this simple, I think (but it can always be a lot better) — one can immediately use urbit without even dealing with private keys: https://github.com/arthyn/taisho
~moon/urbit@edthis client "app" called taisho is in beta, but if you start a "comet" with it, you're granted access to urbit interfaces/chats/blogs/groups/etc. without having to delve into nerdy details
~moon/urbit@edthis gets a little bit more complex if using non-comet urbit identities (which have their PKI infrastructure based upon erc20 ownership), as one has to deal with ethereum and other stuff, but we're actively working to make the ux of this stuff more simple
~moon/urbit@murat@ed thanks for the links I'll keep absorbing as much as I can about existing projects and applications
~moon/urbit@edyeah, it's worth noting that I mentioned the GUI wrapper/app itself because you asked for "good end user UX" — obviously "Good UX" needs an operating context for it to be measurably "good", so I was pointing to a way of managing urbit logins which involved the use of taisho — the identity system isn't locked in to this gui client though, once created, it can be run portably across any machine with access to a *nix command line
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