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#decentralization@murata goal for the future is to go decentralized. I want to open-source the product once the protocol is mature, and find a way to carry over your "reputation/roles" from one server to another, so you don't need to constantly manage multiple accounts everywhere global identities will be very helpful for UX, without needing centralized control a-la twitter
#decentralization@ryjmhave you looked at #urbit? you'd automatically get identity + decentralization, and there's a chat app with reference links you could hook into
@ryjmi like how tags become their own channel, great way to casually mention something and have a holding ground for future thoughts
#decentralization@Renaldo_Moonagree - #urbit provides everything you're looking for at the infrastructure level (decentralization, security, sybil-resistance, user-owned data/storage).
#decentralization/thread:7907dcd0@ryjmis it a feature or a bug that messages under this thread don't show up in #urbit?
@muratlots of urbit mentions both here & on twitter so i put the channel on the map
@ryjmi'll try and throw in some more links later, but https://urbit.org/faq/ is a good starting place
@ryjmthe nice thing is that a lot of the governance / roles work you have here maps super cleanly onto urbit's identity system
#decentralization@muratasking some questions about this over at #urbit
@muratmy main question is, what is the UX like for an end user on an orbit platform? it's extremely important that the product works as easy as Slack, Discord, Whatsapp, Signal etc. - i.e. private key management shouldn't be something only nerds can handle
@muratideally every part of the system that is truly decentralized, starts out as custodial wallets or identities, but users have the option to take control of their keys
@ed@murat it's already this simple, I think (but it can always be a lot better) — one can immediately use urbit without even dealing with private keys: https://github.com/arthyn/taisho
@edthis client "app" called taisho is in beta, but if you start a "comet" with it, you're granted access to urbit interfaces/chats/blogs/groups/etc. without having to delve into nerdy details
@edthis gets a little bit more complex if using non-comet urbit identities (which have their PKI infrastructure based upon erc20 ownership), as one has to deal with ethereum and other stuff, but we're actively working to make the ux of this stuff more simple
@muratdownloading a third-party app just for identity management is acceptable only if it's an optional step for people who care. if I can figure out a way to manage custodial Urbit identities (and without needing any on-chain transactions that cost an arm and a leg) then it's doable
@murat@ed thanks for the links I'll keep absorbing as much as I can about existing projects and applications
@muratdownloading a third-party app just for identity management is acceptable only if it's an optional step for people who care. if I can figure out a way to manage custodial Urbit identities (and without needing any on-chain transactions that cost an arm and a leg) then it's doable
@ryjmhm i'm confused by this - the third party app in question here is just a gui wrapper around booting up an urbit ship
@ryjmkinda like a docker client
@ryjmbut the binary is all you really need
@murati'm trying to think from an average user's perspective
@muratlike if you download an app on the appstore, you should be able to pop in without juggling any external stuff (but have the option to, if you want to manage your own keys)
@muratdoes that make sense? @ryjm
@ryjmyes, that's exactly what you can do
@ryjmwith *comets* - they can boot directly without a key
@ryjmand that's if you want to run on your own computer
@ryjmif you want to run custodially
@ryjmyou could use my comet idea, or you could spawn planets for each user
@ryjmand they can pop in using their planet name and the code you provide
@ryjmthis shows at up bootup
@ryjmone planet is running locally
@ryjmthis one running on a VPS (which, your case, you would be providing)
@ryjmthis one running under a moon
@ryjmwhich any planet can spawn any number of
@ryjmand what i was getting at with my thougts on #todo/alt-handles
@edyeah, it's worth noting that I mentioned the GUI wrapper/app itself because you asked for "good end user UX" — obviously "Good UX" needs an operating context for it to be measurably "good", so I was pointing to a way of managing urbit logins which involved the use of taisho — the identity system isn't locked in to this gui client though, once created, it can be run portably across any machine with access to a *nix command line
@h0mebaseSo is this like a slack type space, collaboration, it's really cool, just not sure what I should be doing exactly :)
@murat@h0mebase haha that's the tricky part isn't it!! need to figure out how to get communities started, it's like trying to throw a party on my own
@murat@h0mebase haha that's the tricky part isn't it!! need to figure out how to get communities started, it's like trying to throw a party on my own
@andrewYou should talk to @malcolm (dunno if this is Malcolm Ocean but i'm tagging you anyway, sorry Malcolm) I could imagine Spiel being the target of one of his barn-raising projects, where we get a big ol internet community together for a day and put a ton of energy behind a project. Could be a shot at kick starting permanent active community on Spiel...
@murat@andrew yep it is! that's a good idea i'll do that for sure

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